Tuesday, December 3, 2013

From The Owner

From the owner.

I wanted to take the time to thank you for coming to our newly added blog.  We are excited for the new things that are on the horizon, and we believe and hope that you as our customer and prospective customer will be able to share with us in that excitement, as you see and understand the vision that we have within our Mission, and the beliefs, changes, and ideas that come along with that vision.

I also wanted to take a minute to define the purpose of this blog.  What I always wanted was a way for our customers and prospective customers to get a glimpse into the foundation of our organization, as it sheds light on what Dance Matrix is as a dance studio, as a belief, a community, a family, and a dream.  I will also take some time to tell you a little bit about myself as it may help you understand why we are what we are, and how our Mission came to be.

Dance Matrix was founded with the vision that we were going to do things differently than we had before and others had before us!  We began in a one room dance studio with an even smaller lobby than we have now if you can believe it!  I can tell you, we neither knew nor understood what was really in the works for us as a dance studio and a business, but as you'll come to learn it was more than we ever imagined.  So what is Dance Matrix?  Now understand that I'm going to give you some of the things Ive heard as the owner so it may sound blunt.  But some people would say we are just another dance studio to choose from.  Some would say a non competitive place to dance.  Some would say the worst place ever! Some who don't know us or understand us would say a sub par dance studio that allows just anyone in the doors. Some would say the best place in the world, and some would say that Dance Matrix has changed their child's life and it just wouldn't be the same if we were not around.  But what is Dance Matrix really? What is it to you? These are the main questions that that will be answered over time as I and others contribute to this blog.  The point is that you'll come to have a clear understanding of why do we do things the way we do, and maybe, just maybe become a believer in what we really are!

Here are some of the other Questions that will be answered.

  • Whos the owner?
  • How are decisions made at an upper level?  
  • What makes Dance Matrix different?  
  • What is the REAL reason we aren't competitive?
  • What does the Mission mean?
  • Whats new that's on the horizon?
  • What IS the vision?
  • Why do we do our concerts the way we do?
  • How does a Dance Matrix student and parent get connected, and what does that mean? 
And so much more.

So in closing this first post in our first blog.... I wanted to again say thank you for being a part of Dance Matrix, and for taking the time to learn more about what makes us, US!

Bryan Clark
Owner/Studio Mentor