adjective \tran(t)s-ˈper-ənt\ : able to be seen through: easy to notice or understand.One of Dance Matrix' main objectives is to be transparent in all that we do. As a dance studio, as a business, and in all of our programs and policies. One of the main objectives of this blog is to open up and show why we are different. We want to bring light to the dance world and to the dance business. In doing so we believe that being transparent or understood and open is the one way that our past, present, and future customer base will fully grasp what and why we are what we are, and why we do what we do. Now does this suggest that the dance industry can be a dark place? All I can tell you as a dancer in both the professional and recreational sides of this industry and as a studio owner, is that I lean towards yes, it can be! Some of you know this already, some may not see it or may not want to and that's okay, because we aren't here to talk about that subject just yet, but it does need to be brought up because it centers on how Dance Matrix came to be and what followed afterwards.
Over this next year Dance Matrix is going to be making it a priority to be transparent (Easy to notice or understand). We want to be noticed, we want to be understood. We do know that not everyone will understand us, but we don't want for those to have any excuses as to how we didn't give them the information. In a lot of ways this blog will be blunt, some may not like what they hear, but our Mission alone says just that! That Dance Matrix is here to be something different, something unique, something to believe in and to be a part of, we wont always impress the crowds or awe them with our presence... but we will stand for what we believe in, and those who are meant to see it, will.
Our belief and hope is that all those who come through our doors will see and feel the difference, and in doing so will become a part of a culture that will shake the dance studio world...Yes its a huge dream, but we have the vision to back up that dream, we have YOU who makes that vision possible. Because without that vision, a dream is all it is.
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